

Combine digital teaching–learning (EAD) with project-based learning (PBL)



EAD Digital Competencies Survey


Architecture of Digital PBL Cells


EAD Training toolkit for Teachers


Guidelines for PBL Digital Teaching-Learning

O1 - EAD Digital Competencies Survey

This output will be divided into two separate deliverables: first, the survey itself to be applied to HE lecturers/teachers to ascertain whether they have the required EAD skills; second, the analysis of the responses collected that will result in a needs analysis report.


O2 - EAD Training toolkit for Teachers

This toolkit will include user manuals (in video and e-book format) on technical, pedagogical, and behavioural features. This toolkit is aimed at capacitating the lecturers/teachers so that later they can use the digital cells and apply PBL in the classroom context.

O3 - Architecture of Digital PBL Cells

This is intended to be drawings and guidelines of the room where D-PBL is to be operationalized. The output encompasses the layouts, definition of the equipment and decking, and guides for the lecturer stance and staging. This will be the PBL group “headquarters”, from which most of the multidisciplinary teamwork will be carried out.

O4 - Guidelines for PBL Digital Teaching-Learning

These guidelines will resume the results gathered during the implementation of the project, both on development and piloting in a real classroom context. This will work as a reference for other higher education organizations and initiatives in this field.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
